
For 2,500 years support for the monastic life has been entirely provided by lay supporters through daily acts of generosity. In this spirit, support in the form of work, money, foodstuffs, building materials or other help is both appreciated and needed.

Your open-hearted support allows monks the opportunity to devote their lives to meditation and right practice in a forest refuge while those in the lay community benefit from their teachings.

  • Daily Dana Roster

    Anyone is welcome to bring food to offer to the monks, and to share with other lay visitors. The function of the dana roster is to try to ensure at least one community member is available to offer food each day. Volunteers usually arrive at 8.30am to prepare for the offering at 9.00am.

  • Financial Support

    Donations are used to cover the day-to-day costs of running the monastery. This may include travel and medical expenses for the resident monastic community, as well as expenses for electricity, gas, heating, administration, building and maintenance.

    To make a payment to the monastery bank account:
    Nigrodharama Forest Monastery Inc
    BSB: 063464
    Account No:. 10946243
    Commonwealth Bank
    Chadstone Centre Branch
    1341 Dandenong Rd
    Chadstone VIC 3148

    To make a payment using Pay ID:
    Pay ID ABN 94204268946

    For further information: